Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Zayne Moved to Step Down; Ethan and Tristan Doing Good

Hi everyone, Zayne has been bumped from the NICU because he was stable enough to no longer need to be in that room physically. A new baby was born this week who needed to be in the NICU more than Zayne. So, this means, while he's still considered a NICU baby and is under the direct care of the neonatologist, he's just not physically in the NICU. Zayne is probably the most likely to come home first. He is completely off IV fluids and respiration machines.

Both Ethan and Tristan are in the NICU and need a little encouragement with eating. They've both dipped below four pounds and need to get their weights up before they can go home. On the positive side both Ethan and Tristan are too off respirators, IV fluids, and, both are off their billilights!

We got some interesting news today. Zayne and Tristan are confirmed to be the identical twins after pathology testing on the placenta(s). There was also confirmation Zayne and Tristan had TTTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) but it was stage 1 and minor enough a donor/recipient could not be determined. This does; however, explain the one pound difference in weight between them at birth! No long term effects are expected which is great.

That is all for now. Take a look at these photos!

Tanya with Ethan, Lauralee with Zayne and Jeff with Tristan

Our front yard :)